The Stormwater Runoff Solution
- January 4, 2024
Stormwater runoff has become an increasing environmental concern as the urbanization of our society has created massive areas of impervious surfaces that flood our storm drains and waterways with pollutant-laden water. One effective solution in the control of stormwater runoff has been BIORETENTION, in which contaminants and sedimentation are removed from stormwater runoff. A key element to effective bioretention are soils used as filter media, commonly referred to as BIORETENTION SOIL or BIO SOIL.
Bioretention soils are mainly designed to filter out pollutants, have an effective infiltration rate, and support plant health over time in various stormwater management systems.
Bio soils are typically made up of 3 components. Sand, Soil, and Organic matter. The ratio of each ingredient is dependent upon the soil specification and the purpose.
Lake Wylie Outdoors specializes in the production and delivery of certified Bioretention soil materials following North Carolina State Highway best management practices or other municipal or site-specific specifications. Our soil production portfolio includes but is not limited to: